Our Story

In the summer of 2024, Carl, Johnny, and their friends got hooked on daily newspaper games like Wordle and Connections, sharing their scores every day as their main way of staying in touch. The duo jokingly came up with a silly idea: a parody of daily games. Specifically, a daily rock papers scissors game.

What started as a joke quickly turned into a suite of word, trivia, and puzzle games for their friends and the world to enjoy. Remarkable Play Systems was born, a games studio that makes experiences that fit into your daily life.

Meet The Team



Johnny is the tech whiz who wrote every single line of code on the RPS platform and its games. He's enthusiastic about programming challenges and mini game creation, and yearns to build forever.

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Carl is a game design factory who prototypes game ideas whenever he's not supposed to. He's actively learning how to make them look prettier, but the jury's still out on whether that's working. He wants to make a game that millions will enjoy.

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